I have clients who have made purchases well over a grand in total that don't even have forum accounts, and it wouldn't be fair to them to limit their access if they decided to create a forum account under a different name.Any rules you put in place would soon be bypassed, causing more rules, which would be bypassed, causing more...Trying to stop troll accounts is like trying to stop file sharing. Nice idea, but impossible, and any attempts would only serve to inconvenience regular folks who get caught up in the troll prevention rules, meanwhile it wouldn't inconvenience the trolls who would soon learn to work around the rules.It is rather Darwinian, but everyone is responsible for their own security, and has to use their best judgement in dealing with people here.Hell, I've been called LE by Mister Dank, who's definition of LE is anyone who disagrees with him, anyone who bought from him, and anyone who has a vowel in their name. So what. Sticks and stones...